Tuesday, September 24, 2019

What issues of discrimination regarding Women in America since the Essay - 3

What issues of discrimination regarding Women in America since the 1920's have been successfully resolved -- and which issues have not yet been resolved - Essay Example ls or women to form a union between two powerful families through marriage and the marriage would be used to signify the bond between the families even if the young girl that was being married was doing so forcefully and unwillingly. However nowadays especially in America women have been given the mandate to marry when they feel like doing so (Tandon 45). This shows how far women have come so as to be liberated and to be responsible of their marital choices and decisions. Arranged marriage was also very rampant in the past where women were forced to marry husbands chosen for them by their parents and whom they did not love. Nowadays however women are given the freedom to marry whoever they choose and so they are free to marry whom they love hence introducing the concept of love in marriages. Unlike in the old days women nowadays are not considered as the man’s property or as economic assets. They are allowed to marry who they want and love (Coontz 56). Time has seen the rising status of the woman in marriage whereby in the current modern society in America women have a significant influence and say in their marriages and are allowed to marry at whatever age they please and they are also free to leave unsatisfying unions whenever they please. They are also free to establish certain rules that should be followed by them and their husbands within the marriage. Polygamy is one of these issues, since it is being practiced secretly by some people in America despite it being outlawed and it shows how the status of women in the current society is still being somehow undermined. Men marrying many wives secretly are enough proof that women are still being undermined in some societies and not being taken seriously. Just like in the old days even today in America the notion of marriage has not changed very much since many women are being forced to endure the state of a bad marriage rather than celebrate it. It has been discovered that even today bride price is being paid

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