Friday, September 27, 2019

Barbra's final wishes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Care Plan for Old Aged Woman with Lung Cancer - Assignment Example The plan begins with the demographic information of the patient; following is our clients care plan details and the recommendations given to help her during her period of grieving and management of the diagnosed condition (Weber & Kelley, 2003). Barbara James is a retired teacher who was just diagnosed with lung cancer. Besides, the patient lost her long-term partner of sixty years. The diagnosis has changed her entire life because it has changed her mood and emotional status. This brought many changes in her life especially when it came to coping with how to start living life with her when she was used to living with her husband. This prompted her to seek assistance from the hospice on how to cope with the disease, the grief, and resource to help her in it together with financial help. The plan developed will help the patient, the friends of the patient and other parties take effective measures in helping the patient manage conditions. Madrid is a football-loving region and Barbara James as a resided said, â€Å" I would love to watch a Real Madrid match at least once per month or just one of their matches now that am a great Madrid fan.† This shows that she has an attachment to the cultural and social aspect of the city because the region has a massive following of sporting activities with football taking the largest share. The plan will ensure Barbara get to view her preferred team play by ensuring she has a for the matches played at home ground and occasionally attending selected away games (Tompkins, 2003). Li et al (2014) ascribe that caregiving should meet the preferences and goals of the customer. Therefore, the hospice team must tailor the approach to meet any goal identified.

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