Thursday, September 12, 2019

America 1945 1960 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

America 1945 1960 - Essay Example It was a time of victorious jubilation for everyone, except those who came back â€Å"home† to segregation and discrimination. The returning African American soldier returned home to find that his most dreaded unwanted guest â€Å"Jim Crow†, had not packed up and moved to other shores. With the non-extinguishing of Jim Crow, they were still mandated to separate facilities for travel, lodging, eating, and drinking, schooling, worship, housing, and in all other aspects of social and economic life .Moreover, though they had fought and many died, the armed forces was not anymore accommodating of the African American civil rights, as was society-at-large. African American veterans returning to the south after military service in World War II were often unwilling to be subjected to the humiliation and degradation of segregation and discrimination in the land which they served to shed their blood. Some white, especially in the south, felt that these veterans needed to be terro rized into submission, whether they were wore the nation’s uniform or not.

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