Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Implicit Association Test Essays

Implicit Association Test Essays Implicit Association Test Essay Implicit Association Test Essay Point: Implicit Association Test By: Jessica Dodd Jessica Dodd December 27, 2010 ETH/ 125 The results for my IAT were: (1) 35% strong automatic preference for young people compared to old people, (2) 29 % moderate automatic preference for young people compared to old people, (3) 16% slight automatic preference for young people compared to old people, (4) little to no automatic preference between young and old people, (5) 4% slight automatic preference for old people compared to young people, (6) 2% moderate automatic preference for old people compared to young people, and (7) 0. % strong automatic preference for old people compared to young people. My data suggests that I prefer young people for old people in general. I have to agree to my results because I am prejudice against those who are old in terms of a resource for information. In this world we live in, it is the young teaching the old about the new world. Technology advances and everything that surrounds have propelled young people to be much more successful and the new thinking has increased the standard of living. I do not believe it is difficult to measure a person’s prejudice, this test though rather boring, proved my prejudice for preferring young people over the old. I still think there are old people who contribute however it is the young who will continue to influence the world and take society into new places. Sociologists probably use similar tests like this and another test they might take are surveys which contain statements that might suggest prejudice.

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