Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Personal Statement Example I soon came to realize that I could admire and respect those teaching professionals who are equipped, through education and experience, to provide students with a well-rounded curriculum as well as serving as advocates when the student requires additional support in a variety of different domains. This is why the university experience has been so valuable and why I continue to seek to improve my lifelong learning and worldview. Before becoming a student at Bangor University, I was enrolled at the Beijing Institute of Technology where, during the first year, I struggled to achieve more than average marks in Financial Accounting and Management Accounting. It was not because the curriculum was significantly difficult, it was simply due to my own unfamiliarity with radically different teaching methods in the UK as opposed to Chinese teaching methodology. However, I was determined to rectify what I perceived to be a minor deficiency, communicating to my tutors that I was having problems a djusting to the UK culture. Because of the aforementioned support, I was able to make the appropriate adjustment, learn about the absolute value of diversity and cultural disparity and achieve much higher marks by eliminating apprehension that once existed due to said lack of knowledge about the UK educational and social environment. I ultimately scored an 80 in Finance in my 2012-2013 academic year which was, in my opinion, a significant achievement and improvement of which I am quite pleased. It was, again, through the excellence of those engaged in the university experience that allowed me to exceed any boundaries and find personal fulfillment associated with high achievement. The university experience has given me many new perspectives and assisted in broadening my scope of knowledge that, today, allows me to successfully examine a variety of academic theories and effectively apply them to real life business and social scenarios. Some of this growth can be attributed to my volun teer work at the Beijing Institute of Technology in which I was responsible for introducing new students to the campus lifestyle and assisting them in adjusting to the living conditions of the campus and accommodating their needs to improve study and general lifestyle. It was my responsibility to map out efficient routes between the main study buildings, restaurants and any other campus-related need, thus essentially serving as a student-to-student advocate of which I received much appreciation and friendship development. Through this volunteer program at BIT, I further enhanced knowledge of cultural diversity and the absolute importance of embracing diversity in both an academic and social context. I am greatly satisfied with the outcomes that I experienced in the volunteer program which not only equipped me with a better understanding of human needs and behaviours, but also enhancing my preparation and management skills. On a personal note, I have a wide variety of hobbies that he lp to cultivate my abilities and further expose me to cultural differences within a social context. I am well-skilled in dance and in piano which not only allow me to embrace the beauty of the arts, but also improve intrinsic drive and ambition to succeed. I have found that my involvement in the arts serves as a motivational force that continues to further develop my capabilities as dance and piano require deep commitment and determination, which are two success

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