Sunday, October 13, 2019

Indian Culture And How It Translates to America Essay -- Culture

India is a captivating country full of humble traditions, lively festivals, and honest beliefs. With over 2 billion people, India has a vast array of religions and languages with Hindi being the most popular. The Hindu culture is a culture of love, respect, honoring others and humbling one's own ego so that the inner nature, which is naturally pure and modest, will shine forth (Mailerindia Infotek Limited). Hindi is a kind and peaceful religion. It is only fitting to combine a temperate religion with a humble society of people. Indians were raised to treat their elders with respect and to always be humble to guests. Strangers will great you with the utmost benevolence and friends will invite you into their home and make sure you are treated like royalty. However, once families have decided to immigrate to America, these traditions and customs can become endangered. People of all different religions and races find that America is the best place to immigrate to so they can earn a better education and more money for their hard work. Indians are among the most educated and wealthiest subgroups in America so most don’t have a hard time finding jobs and earning good pay. In a study of the impact of emigration from India, Mihir Desai of Harvard University found that 1 million Indians lived in the United States in 2001 (Gerdes 14). Since 2001, there have been reports that this number has more than doubled though still the majority of all Indians practice Hinduism. Hinduism is the practice of worshipers who continuously strive to be liberated from evil spirits while practicing the worship of deities. Hinduism refers to a vast array of religious movements. Unlike religions â€Å"of the book,† there is no single authoritative text and no re... ... Immigrant Soul.† Writing On The River, Ed. Jessica Portz. Second Edition Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2009. 112. The quote that I chose from this story helped me to prove that all morals and beliefs are endangered when you move into a different environment that you aren’t use to. Rishi. â€Å"The Meaning Of Culture.† Mailerindia Infotek Limited. MAILERINDIA.COM. , n.d., 2 April 2012. . This website gave me a really good quote to use in my essay pertaining to the genuine nature of the Hindi culture. Williams, Amy and DePaul, Amy. â€Å"The Rise Of Arranged Marriage In America.† AlterNet. n.p. 9 August 2008. Web. 3 April 2012. â€Å"The Rise Of Arranged Marriage In America† was an interesting article in which I obtained valid points on how arranged marriages can be beneficial within specific cultures.

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